The NUCLEO-F103RB development board uses the STM32F103RBT6 as the target processor. (The is the same processor used on "Blue Pill" boards.) It was after playing with the "Blue Pill" boards that I decided I need a REAL STMicro development board. This board is a rock solid development board with on-board ST-Link loader / debugger.
Processor: STM32F103RBT6 128KB Flash 20KB SRAM 72MHz clock Single-cycle multiplication and hardware division 2.0 to 3.6 V application supply and I/Os
- Green LED, LD2, connected to PA5, illuminates when driven high
- Blue PushButton, B1, connects to PC13, grounding the signal when pressed
- 32,768Hz crystal oscillator, LSE, used for Real Time Clock (RTC)
- 8MHz HSE, is provided by the 8MHz crystal oscillator from the attached ST-Link, into PD0
- UART2 connects the target processor to the ST-Link, providing a USB COM port connection on the host computer. Uses PA2 for TX, and PA3 for RX.
- ST-Link connects to TCK (PA14), TMS (PA13)
ST Website for the STM32F1 family:
Getting Started
- Install STM32CubeMX -
- Install Keil uVision5 - Keil MDK Keil Pack installer: