Bukkit Minecraft Server

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Revision as of 09:53, 31 May 2018 by JMerkle (talk | contribs)
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Bukkit Minecraft Server

An older PC may not run Windows 10 very well, but can easily power a Minecraft Server, especially if running Linux.
Although Mojang provides the latest Minecraft server as a Java application, the game play is vanilla. Nothing special, and very little is available to alter the game play.
Here's where Spiggot steps in with tools to create a Minecraft server that supports plugins.
The plugins are java packages created by individuals that modify / augment the game play by adding features the vanilla game lacks.

Although this guide may recommend older versions of software, IT WORKS! Attempting to use the "Latest And Greatest" versions may not produce an environment in which the Spiggot BuildTools will function correctly or the server functions as expected. (Trust me! I tried this...)
This guide assumes you are working with a computer with NO VALUABLE DATA on it. If there is anything of any value, back it up so nothing is lost.

  1. Numbered list item

1) Begin by downloading Lubuntu 16.04, 32-bit (if 4GB of RAM or less), or 64-bit if more than 4GB of RAM.