Getting Started with STM32

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Although this getting started class will work well for many of the STM32 processors and boards, we will focus on the NUCLEO-F103RB board with its STM32-F103RB processor.

64-Pin NUCLEO Board

  • Green LED, LD2, connected to PA5, illuminates when driven high
  • Blue PushButton, B1, connects to PC13, grounding the signal when pressed
  • 32,768Hz crystal oscillator, LSE, used for Real Time Clock (RTC)
  • 8MHz HSE, is provided by the 8MHz crystal oscillator from the attached ST-Link, into PD0
  • UART2 connects the target processor to the ST-Link, providing a USB COM port connection on the host computer. Uses PA2 for TX, and PA3 for RX.
  • ST-Link connects to TCK (PA14), TMS (PA13)