External STLink V2

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External STLink V2

My friend Rusty and I sat down after breakfast one Saturday morning and decided we want to use our new STLink V2 units to talk to our new NUCLEO-F103RB boards using JTAG vs SWIM (SWD).
Here's the result of our exploration:

This example is using the NUCLEO-F103RB board
JTAG Signal (20 pin)  NUCLEO Attach Point  Wire*    Comment
VCC (1)                     CN7-12         Red      Required - Adapter senses target supply voltage
GND (20)                    CN7-8          Black    Common ground
TMS  / SWDIO (7)            CN7-13         Blue     PA13  JTAG Test Mode Selection / Serial Wire Data Input/Output
TCK  / SWCLK (9)            CN7-15         Yellow   PA14  JTAG Test CLocK / Serial Wire Clock
TDI (5)                     CN7-17         Green    PA15  JTAG Test Data Input
TDO/TRACESWO (13)           CN10-31        White    PB3   JTAG Test Data Output
NRST (15)                   CN7-14         Orange   Active Low Reset

* The wire colors depicted here are not part of any standard but what we used to keep track of each signal

Reference Documentation

It appears there's a 10-pin connector version: http://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/xdsdebugprobes/emu_jtag_connectors.html