Getting Started with STM32 - class description
Getting Started with STM32 Class
Instructor: Jim Merkle, Assisting: Rusty Cain
The "Getting Started with STM32" class will cover:
- The 64-Pin NUCLEO boards (NUCLEO-F103RB as the example)
- The STM32-F103RB processor (as the example)
- Creating a new project using STM32CubeIDE_1.9.0
- Configure your processor's clock speed SYSCLK
- Add console serial and printf() output
- Fix Eclipse's Small Icon issue
- Discuss additional development environments using the NUCLEO-F103RB
- Questions and Answers
In preparation for this class, I purchased several NUCLEO-F103RB boards. These will be available at cost, $13.72 each.
The NUCLEO-F103RB board requires a USB cable with a mini-B connector. I also purchased a few 3-foot mini-B cables, available for $2 each.