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The STMicro STM32L152-DISCO development board provides a developer a low power processor with an LCD segment display,
a user defined button, a capacitive touch slider, two user defined LEDs - green & blue, and an on-board USB ST-Link JTAG interface.
I've been wanting to dive a little deeper with low power devices, and this appears to be rather good development board for that.
Board Information
Example "Demo" Code
From the STM32L152-DISCO page, Click on the "Tools and Software" tab, and download STSW-STM32072, STM32L1 Discovery firmware package (RN0079) I downloaded It contained example code for current sensing, and touch sensing. The folder, "AN3413-Currenct_consumption_touch_sensing", is the "demo" project that's pre-programmed on the board. If you already have Keil setup, you can unzip the firmware package, navigate to: Projects\AN3413-Currenct_consumption_touch_sensing\MDK-ARM, and double-click "STM32L-Discovery.uvprojx". This will open the project up inside Keil uVision. Click "Build(F7)", and then "Download(F8). Press the reset button. Here's your familiar board demo running.
STM32L152RCT6 low power processor, 32MHz max, with 16KB RAM, 256KB FLASH Two pushbuttons Black: Reset, Blue: User defined Four LEDs LD1 (red/green) for USB communication, LD2 (red) for 3.3V power LD3 (green) user defined LD4 (blue) user defined Capacitive Touch Sensor - Slider / 4 Buttons On the backside of the development board are pads for a CR2032 coin cell, directions indicate: "Solder a B7410AP2L battery holder from LOTES on CR1". (This battery holder appears to be as scarce as hen's teeth.)
Here are my pad measurements:
Right after taking the board out of the box, be sure to backup the initial code if you ever want to restore it. Use the ST-Link Utility to backup the FLASH memory to a file.
After firing up STM32CubeMX, Selecting "STM32L152C-DISCO" from the Boards Select menu, and then clicking "Start Project", select "YES" when asked to initialize all peripherals with the default Mode. Go to the Project Manager tab, give the project a name, select "MDK-ARM" for toolchain. the zip file, "" was downloaded. This contains all the library files and example code needed to build projects with this development board. You can build this template, but don't expect to see anything running....
Example Projects
Example projects can be found in C:\Users\UserName\STM32Cube\Repository -> C:\Users\Jim\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L1_V1.10.2\Projects\32L152CDISCOVERY\Examples Although there are plenty of example projects, I couldn't find the "demo" example. From the STM32L152-DISCO page, Click on the "Tools and Software" tab, and download STSW-STM32072, STM32L1 Discovery firmware package (RN0079) I downloaded It contained example code for current sensing, and touch sensing. The folder, "AN3413-Currenct_consumption_touch_sensing", contains the "demo" project source that's pre-programmed on the board.
It appeared the program would "flake out" while performing the sleep current measurements. Pressing the reset button would restart the demo, but it would again "flake out" during sleep current measurements again. After unplugging the board and reconnecting it, the board resumed "normal functionality". This strange behavior occurred after using the ST-Link to backup up the program FLASH. It's possible the ST-Link was responsible for this behavior...