Uploads by JMerkle

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:39, 1 August 2024 DS3231.jpg (file) 187 KB   1
15:39, 14 June 2024 RotaryEncoderPinSelection.jpg (file) 355 KB Timer2 with Pin Assignments 1
15:26, 14 June 2024 RotaryEncoderModule.jpg (file) 85 KB Common rotary encoder module with knob, mounting nut and washer. 1
10:23, 14 June 2024 RotaryEncoder.jpg (file) 58 KB   2
21:34, 22 May 2023 Semihosting Use OpenOCD.jpg (file) 128 KB Need to change the debugger 1
09:52, 21 May 2023 Semihosting Problem Occurred.jpg (file) 29 KB This dialog was produced when trying to get Semihosting functionality with STM32. https://community.st.com/s/article/how-to-use-semihosting-with-stm32cubeide-and-stm32 1
10:18, 17 April 2023 WCH-LinkE back.jpg (file) 258 KB WCH-LinkE programmer, back side 1
10:18, 17 April 2023 WCH-LinkE front.jpg (file) 223 KB WCH-LinkE Programmer, front side 1
13:38, 14 April 2023 WCH Link Device Manager.jpg (file) 145 KB WCH-Link displayed in Windows Device Manager 1
14:11, 19 February 2023 NUCLEO-C031C6.jpg (file) 188 KB   1
14:52, 11 February 2023 Wireshark DHCP.jpg (file) 302 KB Using a managed switch, with port mirroring (Port Mirroring REQUIRED), I was able to capture the device's DHCP transactions. All completed within 17 milliseconds. 1
14:48, 11 February 2023 Zoomed Out View.jpg (file) 120 KB View showing blocks of data being transferred in different periods of time following reset. 1
14:44, 11 February 2023 First Frame.jpg (file) 150 KB First SPI frame showing data transfer. Notice the 0x01, 0x02, and 0x03 bytes on MISO. 1
14:42, 11 February 2023 Reset Pulse.jpg (file) 108 KB Software delay of 1ms becomes 2ms, with plenty of delay before first SPI transfer. 1
10:47, 4 October 2022 STM32-F103 TIM4.jpg (file) 173 KB Configure Timer4 to update once each micro second. With SysClk at 64MHz, we need the prescaler to divice by 64. Use (64-1) to achieve that. 1
14:38, 5 September 2022 Download link.png (file) 61 KB Download link icon 1
09:06, 2 August 2022 UART2Config.jpg (file) 127 KB   2
08:44, 2 August 2022 UART2.jpg (file) 103 KB USART2 - configuration screen 1
08:58, 20 May 2022 Image.PF263516.en.feature-description-include-personalized-no-cpn-medium.jpg (file) 186 KB NUCLEO-F767ZI (well, not actually, but this is the image provided by STMicro for the board.) 1
10:03, 11 April 2022 Download.jpg (file) 3 KB Download Image with down pointing arrow 1
09:54, 20 March 2022 Nucleo f103rb 2018 07 06 arduino right.jpg (file) 224 KB NUCLEO-F103RB Arduino right side pinout 1
16:47, 21 November 2021 Ttgo lines.py example.jpg (file) 2.09 MB Example of the ttgo_lines.py program running 1
16:29, 21 November 2021 Board Pinout.png (file) 585 KB https://www.ebay.com/itm/184820464847 1
16:25, 21 November 2021 Display Board.png (file) 434 KB https://www.ebay.com/itm/184820464847 1
10:35, 5 May 2021 CAN Transceiver.jpg (file) 104 KB Ebay picture for CAN bus transceiver 1
10:18, 27 April 2021 CAN ID0x123 Data0x30 NORMALmode.jpg (file) 105 KB ID: 0x123 Data: 1 byte: 0x30 Normal mode Continuous transitions with errors 1
10:05, 27 April 2021 CAN ID0x123 Data0x30.jpg (file) 94 KB CAN Bus, 10,000Bits/second, 11-bit ID:0x123, 1 byte of data:0x30 1
12:34, 26 April 2021 Mcp9808a.jpg (file) 103 KB AdaFruit MCP9808 temperature sensor module This Microchip sensor has a 2.7V to 5.5V operating range, good for 5V Arduino boards as well as 3.3V Raspberry Pi and 3.3V STM32 boards. 1
13:56, 25 January 2021 1602 I2C Mega2560.jpg (file) 549 KB My Mega2560 connected to a 1602 LCD display using an I2C expander PCF8574A https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/pcf8574a.pdf 1
17:04, 19 January 2021 1602 I2C LCD.jpg (file) 29 KB 16x2 LCD Display with a PCF8574 I2C expander adapter attached 1
16:39, 12 January 2021 80x160 back.jpg (file) 266 KB ST7735S controller, 80x160, 65K color 0.96" SPI display module, backside view Similar to: https://www.ebay.com/itm/193483068817 1
16:38, 12 January 2021 80x160 front.jpg (file) 183 KB ST7735S controller, 80x160, 65K color 0.96" SPI display module Similar to: https://www.ebay.com/itm/193483068817 1
12:47, 1 January 2021 SSD1306 OLED I2C.png (file) 681 KB SSD1306 128x64 OLED I2C display 1
12:36, 1 January 2021 I2C FrameTime.png (file) 60 KB Capture showing amount of time to transmit a display frame ~37ms 1
12:34, 1 January 2021 ClockTiming.png (file) 54 KB Capture of the I2C SCL / SDL signals showing 400KHz clock and 0x3C address 1
10:53, 31 December 2020 SPI Clock Rate.png (file) 85 KB Capture showing a single byte transfer, and the SPI clock rate/frequency. 1
10:52, 31 December 2020 Byte spacing.png (file) 86 KB Capture showing the spacing of data bytes. Without a FIFO, and not using DMA, the SPI interface times time to load each byte for transmission. 1
10:50, 31 December 2020 Frame Time.png (file) 85 KB Capture showing amount of time to send a complete frame 1
10:41, 31 December 2020 Start Of Frame Commands.png (file) 87 KB Command bytes prior to sending a frame of data 1
14:55, 30 December 2020 SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED frontside.jpg (file) 13 KB 128x64 OLED display with 4-pin SPI interface D0: SCLK D1: MOSI D/C#: Data vs /Command pin CS: /Chip Select 1
14:29, 30 December 2020 SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED backside.jpg (file) 904 KB Backside of 128x64 OLED display showing resistor population for SPI-4 1
23:30, 19 November 2020 Image.PF258515.en.feature-description-include-personalized-no-cpn-medium.jpg (file) 108 KB STMicro's picture of their 32L152CDISCOVERY board 1
20:58, 19 November 2020 Battery Holder Pads.jpg (file) 529 KB Measurements for CR2032 Coin Cell Battery Holder 1
20:54, 10 October 2020 SaleaeSpiCapture.jpg (file) 106 KB Display of SPI bus during ID command and data return 1
13:35, 10 October 2020 NUCLEO-F103RB Connector Signals.jpg (file) 145 KB NUCLEO-F103RB board - connector signals 1
13:34, 10 October 2020 W25Q128FV pinout.jpg (file) 29 KB Pinout for the Winbond W25Q128FV part 1
13:33, 10 October 2020 W25QXX.jpg (file) 95 KB Winbond W25Q128 Module from Ebay 1
17:33, 1 September 2020 NUCLEO-F103RB Select TIM2 CH3 function.png (file) 41 KB   1
16:36, 1 September 2020 NUCLEO-F103RB PWM PIN D6 PB10.png (file) 47 KB Selecting Arduino D6 PWM Pin This is actually PB10 of the STM32F103RBT6. PB10 uses TIM2)CH3 for PWM function 1
12:40, 30 August 2020 JTAG Connectors.png (file) 7 KB JTAG connector picture from the Keil website 1
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