STM32 - WIZnet W5500
The WIZnet W5500 Ethernet chip provides an easy Ethernet network solution for many microprocessors/microcontrollers. Using a SPI interface and sample library code, most any processor can use this device to get connected to a network.
Hardware Interface
In my case, I purchased a small development module from This same module is readily available on and Examples: A 10 conductor, 2x5 pin header, provides the electrical connection between the host and this module I wired mine using a female-female ribbon cable as follows: Wire Color Signal W5500 Module Pin NUCLEO-F103RB Pin Comment Brown Not Connected J1,1 NC Red SPI-SCLK J1-2 SCLK SPI2_SCK, PB13, CN10-30 Orange INTn J1-3 INT PB11, CN10-18 Active low Yellow SPI-CSn J1-4 SCS SPI2_NCS, PB12, CN10-16 Active Low Chip Select Green RSTn J1-5 nRST PB10, CN10-25 Active Low, 500us min Blue MOSI J1-6 MOSI SPI2_MOSI, PB15, CN10-26 Violet GND J1-7 GND GND, CN10-20 Grey MISO J1-8 MISO SPI2_MISO, PB14, CN10-28 White 5.0V (NC) J1-9 NC Black 3.3V J1-10 3.3V +3V3, CN7-16