SSD1306 128x64 SPI OLED Display

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These displays use the SSD1306 controller,

The following is from the SSD1306.pfd document:

8.1.3 MCU Serial Interface (4-wire SPI)
The 4-wire serial interface consists of serial clock: SCLK, serial data: SDIN (MOSI), D/C#, CS#.
In 4-wire SPI mode, D0 is used for SCLK signal, D1 is used for MOSI. For the unused data pins, D2 should be left open.
The pins from D3 to D7, E and R/W# (WR#)# can be connected to an external ground.

Table 8-4 : Control pins of 4-wire Serial interface
Function	E(RD#)	R/W#(WR#)	CS#	D/C#	D0
Write command	Tie LOW	Tie LOW	L	L	↑
Write data	Tie LOW	Tie LOW	L	H	↑
(1) H stands for HIGH signal
(2) L stands for LOW signal
RES#   This pin is reset signal input. When the pin is pulled LOW, initialization of the chip is executed.
       Keep this pin HIGH (i.e. connect to VDD) during normal operation.
D/C#   This is Data/Command control pin. When it is pulled HIGH (i.e. connect to VDD),
       the signals at D[7:0] are treated as data. When it is pulled LOW, the signals at D[7:0]
       will be transferred to the command register.
       In I2C mode, this pin acts as SA0 for slave address selection.
       When 3-wire serial interface is selected, this pin must be connected to VSS.
       For detail relationship to MCU interface signals, please refer to the Timing Characteristics Diagrams:
       Figure 13-1 to Figure 13-5. E (RD#) I When interfacing to a 6800-series micro
CS#  This pin is the chip select input. (active LOW).

NOTE: This device uses SPI mode 0.

For this exercise, I used the SPI (4 wire) Hardware interface, with reset (RES#) added. (I don't believe MISO is used.)
According to the datasheet, the maximum SPI clock frequency is 10MHz.

Board	       MOSI    MISO	SCK	RES#	CS#	D/C#
Arduino UNO	11	12	13	8	7	6


For Arduino, the Adafruit SSD1306 library, version 2.4.2, works very well.  

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